PostgreSQL is a popular open-source relational database management system used to manage data for web applications. cPanel is a web hosting control panel that allows you to manage your website and server settings easily. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to manage PostgreSQL databases and users in cPanel.
Log in to cPanel
To manage PostgreSQL databases and users, you must first log in to cPanel. You can do this by entering your domain name followed by “/cpanel” in your web browser, for example, “”. Enter your cPanel username and password to log in.
Navigate to the PostgreSQL Databases
Once you are logged in, navigate to the “PostgreSQL Databases” interface. You can find this interface by searching for “PostgreSQL” in the search bar or by scrolling down to the “Databases” section and clicking on the “PostgreSQL Databases” icon.
Create a PostgreSQL database
To create a new PostgreSQL database, enter a name for the database in the “New Database” field and click the “Create Database” button. The system will automatically create a new database with the name you provided.
Create a PostgreSQL user
To create a new PostgreSQL user, scroll down to the “Add New User” section and enter a username and password for the user. Click the “Create User” button to create the user.
Add a user to a database
To add a user to a database, scroll down to the “Add User to Database” section. Select the user you want to add from the drop-down menu and select the database you want to add the user to. Click the “Add” button to add the user to the database.
Assign privileges to a user
To assign privileges to a user, scroll down to the “Current Databases” section and find the database you want to assign privileges to. Click the “Manage” button next to the database. In the “Manage Privileges” section, select the user you want to assign privileges to from the drop-down menu. Check the boxes next to the privileges you want to assign to the user and click the “Save” button to save the changes.
Delete a database
To delete a PostgreSQL database, scroll down to the “Current Databases” section and find the database you want to delete. Click the “Delete” button next to the database. Confirm that you want to delete the database by clicking the “Delete Database” button.
Delete a user
To delete a PostgreSQL user, scroll down to the “Current Users” section and find the user you want to delete. Click the “Delete” button next to the user. Confirm that you want to delete the user by clicking the “Delete User” button.
Rename a user
To rename a user Under Current Users, locate the user that you want to rename, and then click Rename. In the text box, type the new name, and then click Proceed. In the Password and Password (Again) text boxes, type the password for the user, and then click Change Password.